In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
import pandas as pd

import sys
from coal_cov import *
from seg_sites_covar import CorrSegSites
from plot_utils import *

%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [2]:
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "Arial"
plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = "w"
plt.rcParams['figure.autolayout'] = True
plt.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 3
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker

import os
main_figdir = '../../plots/two_locus_stats/'
supp_figdir = '../../plots/supp_figs/two_locus_stats/'
os.makedirs(main_figdir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(supp_figdir, exist_ok=True)

Simulation under a model of exponential growth

In [3]:
# NOTE : growth always starts ~ 1000 Generations in the past ... 

tas = [0, 100, 500]
rs = [1e-3, 1e-2, 5e-2]
rec_rate = 1e-3

total_sims = []
for t in tqdm(tas):
    for r in rs:
        cur_sim = TwoLocusSerialGrowth(ta=t, r=r, T=500, reps=50000, rec_rate=rec_rate)
        ts_reps = cur_sim._simulate()
        # Calculating the marginal variance and means
        mu_LA= np.mean(cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,0])
        var_LA = np.var(cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,0])
        cov_LALB = np.cov(cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,0], cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,1])[0,1]
        corr_LALB = pearsonr(cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,0], cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,1])[0]
        total_sims.append([t,r, mu_LA, var_LA, cov_LALB, corr_LALB])

total_sims = np.vstack(total_sims)
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [03:05<00:00, 61.68s/it]
In [4]:
growth_df = pd.DataFrame(total_sims)
growth_df.columns = ['$t_a$', '$r$','$\mathbb{E}[L]$','$Var(L)$','$Cov(L_A,L_B)$','$Corr(L_A, L_B)$']
growth_df.to_csv('../../results/two_loci/growth_model.csv', index=False)
$t_a$ $r$ $\mathbb{E}[L]$ $Var(L)$ $Cov(L_A,L_B)$ $Corr(L_A, L_B)$
0 0.0 0.001 6087.518173 4.691786e+06 779500.950249 0.166678
1 0.0 0.010 1945.178045 6.458962e+04 19441.958582 0.300370
2 0.0 0.050 1252.998297 2.661182e+03 1016.081143 0.383271
3 100.0 0.001 6004.204914 4.622373e+06 798146.271779 0.173105
4 100.0 0.010 1843.873281 6.494130e+04 20864.018436 0.322482
5 100.0 0.050 1153.218551 2.621729e+03 1073.400377 0.409480
6 500.0 0.001 5685.105767 4.189090e+06 627472.823868 0.150182
7 500.0 0.010 1449.309935 5.914346e+04 25321.454950 0.427168
8 500.0 0.050 753.403538 2.561307e+03 1475.120191 0.574928

Simulation under a bottleneck model

In [5]:

tas = [0, 100, 500]
rs = [1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3]
rec_rate = 1e-3

total_sims_bot = []
for t in tqdm(tas):
    for r in rs:
        cur_sim = TwoLocusSerialBottleneck(Ne=1e4, ta=t, Tstart=50, Tend=500, Nbot=r*1e4, reps=50000, rec_rate=rec_rate)
        ts_reps = cur_sim._simulate()
        # Calculating the marginal variance and means
        mu_LA= np.mean(cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,0])
        var_LA = np.var(cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,0])
        cov_LALB = np.cov(cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,0], cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,1])[0,1]
        corrLALB = pearsonr(cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,0], cur_sim.pair_branch_length[:,1])[0]
        total_sims_bot.append([t, r, mu_LA, var_LA, cov_LALB, corrLALB])

total_sims_bot = np.vstack(total_sims_bot)
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [04:08<00:00, 82.98s/it]
In [6]:
bottleneck_df = pd.DataFrame(total_sims_bot)
bottleneck_df.columns = ['$t_a$', '$\phi$','$\mathbb{E}[L]$','$Var(L)$','$Cov(L_A,L_B)$','$Corr(L_A,L_B)$']
bottleneck_df.to_csv('../../results/two_loci/bottleneck.csv', index=False)
$t_a$ $\phi$ $\mathbb{E}[L]$ $Var(L)$ $Cov(L_A,L_B)$ $Corr(L_A,L_B)$
0 0.0 0.100 32705.245938 1.543057e+09 1.889688e+08 0.122052
1 0.0 0.010 4677.130341 3.238840e+08 1.035026e+08 0.311465
2 0.0 0.001 139.687120 1.600915e+03 1.462250e+03 0.912142
3 100.0 0.100 33455.467909 1.551079e+09 1.808965e+08 0.117548
4 100.0 0.010 5832.928726 4.073364e+08 1.314773e+08 0.326441
5 100.0 0.001 139.949182 1.608784e+03 1.544450e+03 0.959516
6 500.0 0.100 40004.922338 1.566143e+09 2.915162e+07 0.018472
7 500.0 0.010 40449.487997 1.593508e+09 3.151265e+07 0.019701
8 500.0 0.001 40378.871050 1.614716e+09 4.228108e+07 0.026353
In [ ]: