Source code for geovar.utils

"""Utilities for file conversions for GeoVar."""

import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from cyvcf2 import VCF

[docs]def read_pop_panel(pop_panel_file): """Read in a population panel file. Args: pop_panel_files (:obj: `string`): list of population """ pop_panel_file_path = Path(pop_panel_file) if not pop_panel_file_path.is_file(): raise ValueError(f"{pop_panel_file} is not a file!") else: sep = " " if pop_panel_file_path.suffix == ".csv": sep = "," elif pop_panel_file_path.suffix == ".tsv": sep = "\t" pop_df = pd.read_csv(pop_panel_file_path, sep=sep, usecols=["sample", "pop"]) return pop_df
[docs]def verify_sample_indices(pop_df, samples): r"""Generate the sample indices from a list of sample IDs stratified by population. Args: pop_df (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`): population data frame in pandas format.\ Must have `pop` and `sample` columns available. samples (:obj:`list`): list of sample IDs (strings) that are ready to be indexed. """ assert "sample" in pop_df.columns assert "pop" in pop_df.columns if type(samples) == list: samples = np.asarray(samples, dtype=str) pop_dict = pop_df.set_index(["sample"]).to_dict()["pop"] unique_pops = np.unique([pop_dict[i] for i in pop_dict]) pop_vector = [] for i, s in enumerate(samples): try: pop_vector.append(pop_dict[s]) except KeyError: pop_vector.append("") warnings.warn(f"Sample {s} does not have a population label!", UserWarning) pop_vector = np.asarray(pop_vector, dtype=str) pop_idx_dict = {} for p in unique_pops: pop_idx_dict[p] = np.where(pop_vector == p)[0] return unique_pops, pop_idx_dict, pop_dict
[docs]def sep_freq_mat_pops(af_df, known_cols=["CHR", "SNP", "A1", "A2", "MAC", "MAF"]): """Convert an allele frequency data frame to a frequency array. Args: af_df (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`): allele frequency data frame. known_cols (:obj:`list`): list of columns to exclude from being a population. """ # Get columns that are not known colnames = af_df.columns idx = ~np.isin(colnames, known_cols) # Generate frequency matrix and the population names freq_mat = af_df[af_df.columns[idx]].values pop_names = af_df.columns[idx] return (pop_names, freq_mat)
[docs]def vcf_to_freq_table(vcf_file, pop_df, outfile=None, minor_allele=True, **kwargs): """Convert a VCF File to a frequency table to be used as input to a GeoVar object. Args: vcf_file (:obj:`string`): filepath to VCF file (can be bgzipped). pop_df (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`): population data frame in pandas format. outfile (:obj:`string`): file to write output allele frequency table to. minor_allele (:obj:`bool`): flag to indicate if we want to polarize to the minor allele. """ vcf_filepath = Path(vcf_file) if not vcf_filepath.is_file(): raise ValueError(f"{vcf_file} is not a valid VCF file!") vcf = VCF(vcf_filepath, **kwargs) unique_pops, pop_idx_dict, pop_dict = verify_sample_indices(pop_df, vcf.samples) chrom = [] pos = [] ref_alleles = [] alt_alleles = [] global_af = [] global_ac = [] global_n = [] alt_freq = [] allele_cnt_subpops = [] for variant in tqdm(vcf): chrom.append(variant.CHROM) pos.append(variant.POS) ref_alleles.append(variant.REF) # NOTE: We only take the first alternative allele here ... alt_alleles.append(variant.ALT[0]) alt_freq.append(variant.aaf) global_ac.append(variant.num_het + 2 * variant.num_hom_alt) global_n.append(variant.num_called) cur_gt = variant.gt_types pop_ac_cnt = [] for i in unique_pops: ac = np.sum(cur_gt[pop_idx_dict[i]] == vcf.HET) + 2 * np.sum( cur_gt[pop_idx_dict[i]] == vcf.HOM_ALT ) n = np.sum(cur_gt[pop_idx_dict[i]] != vcf.UNKNOWN) pop_ac_cnt.append(ac / (2 * n)) allele_cnt_subpops.append(pop_ac_cnt) alt_freq = np.array(alt_freq, dtype=np.float32) allele_cnt_subpops = np.array(allele_cnt_subpops) global_af = alt_freq flip_af = np.repeat(False, len(alt_freq)) if minor_allele: flip_af = alt_freq > 0.5 flip_idx = np.where(flip_af)[0] if flip_idx.size > 0: for i in flip_idx: global_ac[i] = global_n[i] - global_ac[i] global_af[i] = 1.0 - global_af[i] # Swap the alleles here ... cur_ref = ref_alleles[i] ref_alleles[i] = alt_alleles[i] alt_alleles[i] = cur_ref allele_cnt_subpops[i, :] = 1.0 - allele_cnt_subpops[i, :] # Setting up the final data frame af_dict = {x: allele_cnt_subpops[:, i] for (i, x) in enumerate(unique_pops)} af_df = pd.DataFrame(af_dict) # Inserting all of the columns for allele frequencies af_df.insert(0, "CHR", chrom) af_df.insert(1, "SNP", pos) af_df.insert(2, "A1", ref_alleles) af_df.insert(3, "A2", alt_alleles) af_df.insert(4, "MAC", global_ac) af_df.insert(5, "MAF", global_af) if outfile is not None: af_df.to_csv(outfile, index=False, sep="\t") return af_df