Source code for geovar.viz

"""Module for generating GeoVar plots for a given dataset."""

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib as mpl

[docs]class GeoVarPlot(object): """Class for a GeoVar plot."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize plotting object with default fields.""" # Defining general parameters self.fontsize = 14 self.title_fontsize = 12 self.h_orient = "center" self.v_orient = "center" self.bar_color = "gray" self.border_color = "gray" self.line_weight = 0.5 self.alpha = 0.5 self.x_lbl_fontsize = 16 self.y_lbl_fontsize = 12 # Original Data for GeoVar self.orig_missing = None self.orig_geodist = None self.orig_ngeodist = None self.orig_fgeodist = None self.orig_npops = None self.orig_ncat = None # Actual plotting data for GeoVar self.geodist = None self.ngeodist = None self.fgeodist = None self.npops = None self.poplist = None self.ncat = None # Colormap parameters self.colors = None self.str_labels = None self.lbl_colors = None
def __str__(self): """Print all active parameters for plotting.""" test_str = "Fontsize : %d\n" % self.fontsize test_str += "Bar Color : %s\n" % self.bar_color test_str += "Border Color : %s\n" % self.border_color test_str += "Line Weight : %0.2f\n" % self.line_weight test_str += "Alpha : %0.2f\n" % self.alpha # Printing data level parameters if self.ngeodist is not None: test_str += "Number of SNPS : %d\n" % np.sum(self.ngeodist) test_str += "Number of Populations : %d\n" % self.npops test_str += "Number of Categories : %d\n" % self.ncat else: test_str += "Number of SNPS : 0\n" test_str += "Number of Populations : NA\n" test_str += "Number of Categories : NA\n" return test_str def add_text_data(self, inputfile, filt_unobserved=True): """Add/replace data for a GeoDistPlot object.""" df = np.loadtxt(inputfile, dtype=str) geodist = df[:, 0] ngeodist = df[:, 1].astype(int) assert geodist.size == ngeodist.size npops = np.array([len(x) for x in geodist]) ncat = np.array([max(list(x)) for x in geodist], dtype=int) # Testing out a filtering operation if filt_unobserved: unobserved_geodist = "0" * npops[0] idx = np.where(geodist == unobserved_geodist)[0] if idx.size == 1: self.orig_missing = ngeodist[idx][0] geodist = np.delete(geodist, idx) ngeodist = np.delete(ngeodist, idx) else: raise ValueError("") assert len(np.unique(npops)) <= 1 self.orig_npops = npops[0] self.orig_geodist = geodist self.orig_ngeodist = ngeodist self.orig_ncat = max(ncat) + 1 self.orig_fgeodist = self.orig_ngeodist / np.sum(self.orig_ngeodist) # Setting all the plotting variables self.npops = npops[0] self.geodist = geodist self.ngeodist = ngeodist self.ncat = max(ncat) + 1 self.fgeodist = self.orig_fgeodist def add_data_jsfs(self, jsfs): """Add data from a joint SFS via numpy.""" npops = len(jsfs.shape) ncats = np.array(jsfs.shape) # Assert that all of the populations have the same categories assert np.all(ncats == ncats[0]) # iterate through them all... geo_codes = [] ngeo_codes = [] for i, x in np.ndenumerate(jsfs): # generate category cat = "".join([str(v) for v in list(i)]) geo_codes.append(cat) ngeo_codes.append(x) geodist = np.array(geo_codes) ngeodist = np.array(ngeo_codes) assert geodist.size == ngeodist.size self.orig_npops = npops self.orig_geodist = geodist self.orig_ngeodist = ngeodist self.orig_ncat = ncats[0] + 1 self.orig_fgeodist = self.orig_ngeodist / np.sum(self.orig_ngeodist) # Setting all the plotting variables self.npops = npops self.geodist = geodist self.ngeodist = ngeodist self.ncat = ncats[0] + 1 self.fgeodist = self.orig_fgeodist def add_data_geovar(self, geovar_obj): """Add in data directly from a GeoVar object.""" assert geovar_obj.geovar_codes is not None # # Count up the geovar codes self.orig_npops = geovar_obj.n_populations uniq_geodist, n_geodist, ncat = geovar_obj.count_geovar_codes() rev_sort = np.argsort(n_geodist)[::-1] self.orig_geodist = uniq_geodist[rev_sort] self.orig_ngeodist = n_geodist[rev_sort] self.orig_ncat = ncat + 1 self.orig_fgeodist = self.orig_ngeodist / np.sum(self.orig_ngeodist) # Setting all plotting variables self.npops = self.orig_npops self.geodist = self.orig_geodist self.ngeodist = self.orig_ngeodist self.ncat = ncat + 1 self.fgeodist = self.orig_fgeodist self.poplist = geovar_obj.pops def filter_data(self, max_freq=0.005, rare=False): """Filter geovar data for easier plotting by removing some lower-frequency categories.""" assert self.orig_geodist is not None assert self.orig_ngeodist is not None assert self.orig_fgeodist is not None if rare: idx = np.where(self.orig_fgeodist < max_freq)[0] else: idx = np.where(self.orig_fgeodist >= max_freq)[0] assert idx[0].size != 0 # TODO : have this create a new variable and not reset self.orig_fgeodist_alt = self.orig_fgeodist[idx] self.ngeodist = self.orig_ngeodist[idx] self.geodist = self.orig_geodist[idx] self.fgeodist = self.ngeodist / np.sum(self.ngeodist) # sort to try to order based on frequency (high to low) sorted_idx = np.argsort(self.fgeodist)[::-1] self.ngeodist = self.ngeodist[sorted_idx] self.geodist = self.geodist[sorted_idx] self.fgeodist = self.fgeodist[sorted_idx] self.orig_fgeodist_alt = self.orig_fgeodist_alt[sorted_idx] def sort_geodist(self): """Sort the geovar codes according to abundance.""" sorted_idx = np.argsort(self.orig_fgeodist)[::-1] self.orig_fgeodist = self.orig_fgeodist[sorted_idx] self.orig_ngeodist = self.orig_ngeodist[sorted_idx] self.orig_geodist = self.orig_geodist[sorted_idx] def add_cmap( self, base_cmap="Blues", str_labels=["U", "R", "C"], lbl_colors=["black", "black", "white"], ): """Create a colormap object to use.""" assert self.ncat is not None assert len(str_labels) == len(lbl_colors) assert len(str_labels) == self.ncat # Generating a discrete mapping base = color_list = base(np.linspace(0, 1, self.ncat)) cmap_name = + str(self.ncat) test_cmap = base.from_list(cmap_name, color_list, self.ncat) # normalizing to 1 norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=self.ncat) colors = [mpl.colors.rgb2hex(test_cmap(norm(i))) for i in range(self.ncat)] self.colors = colors self.str_labels = str_labels self.lbl_colors = lbl_colors def set_colors(self, colors): """Add custom hex colors for GeoVar plot. Args: colors (:obj:`list`): list of hexcodes for defining colors """ assert self.ncat is not None assert self.colors is not None assert len(colors) == len(self.colors) self.colors = colors def add_poplabels(self, popfile): """Add population labels from a file for GeoVar plot. Args: popfile (:obj:`string`): path to population list file with one population per line. """ assert self.geodist is not None assert self.ngeodist is not None assert self.npops is not None assert self.ncat is not None # Reading the appropriate population file pops = np.loadtxt(popfile, dtype=str) assert pops.size == self.npops self.poplist = pops def reorder_pops(self, new_poplist): """Reordering populations within a GeoVar instance. Args: new_poplist (:obj:`list`): list of population names but reordered. """ assert new_poplist.size == self.poplist.size new_pop_idx = np.hstack([np.where(self.poplist == i)[0] for i in new_poplist]) acc = [] for j in range(self.orig_ngeodist.size): acc.append("".join([self.orig_geodist[j][i] for i in new_pop_idx])) new_geodist = np.array(acc) self.orig_geodist = new_geodist self.poplist = new_poplist def add_poplabels_manual(self, poplist): """Add list of population labels manually. Args: poplist (:obj:`list`): list of population names for the GeoVar plot. """ assert self.geodist is not None assert self.ngeodist is not None assert self.npops is not None assert self.ncat is not None assert len(poplist) == self.npops self.poplist = poplist def plot_geovar( self, ax, pixel_thresh=3, freq_thresh=0.05, dpi=100, superpops=None, superpop_lbls=None, ): """Make a geovar plot on a particular axis.""" # Starting assertions to make sure we can call this assert self.geodist is not None assert self.ngeodist is not None assert self.npops is not None assert self.poplist is not None assert self.ncat is not None assert self.colors is not None assert self.str_labels is not None assert self.lbl_colors is not None assert self.poplist is not None # Getting the dimensions bbox = ax.get_window_extent() width, height = bbox.width, bbox.height width *= dpi height *= dpi # Setting up the codes here x_limits = ax.get_xlim() xbar_pts = np.linspace(x_limits[0], x_limits[1], num=self.npops + 1) xpts_shifted = (xbar_pts[1:] + xbar_pts[:-1]) / 2.0 ax.set_xticks(xpts_shifted) # setting up the vertical lines for x in xbar_pts: ax.axvline(x=x, color=self.bar_color, lw=self.line_weight, alpha=self.alpha) if superpops is not None: for i in superpops: ax.axvline(x=xbar_pts[i], color="gray", lw=1.0) # changing the border color for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_edgecolor(self.border_color) # Plotting the horizontal bars in this case ylims = ax.get_ylim() y_pts = np.cumsum(self.orig_fgeodist) cur_y = ylims[0] nsnps = np.sum(self.orig_ngeodist) for i in range(y_pts.size): y = y_pts[i] y_dist = y - cur_y cur_code = list(self.orig_geodist[i]) for j in range(self.npops): # Defining the current category cur_cat = int(cur_code[j]) # Drawing in the rectangle cur_xy = xbar_pts[j], cur_y rect = patches.Rectangle( xy=cur_xy, width=(xbar_pts[j + 1] - cur_xy[0]), height=y_dist, facecolor=self.colors[cur_cat], ) ax.add_patch(rect) # Drawing in the text y_frac = y_dist / (ylims[1] - ylims[0]) fontscale = 1.0 alpha = 1.0 if y_frac < freq_thresh: fontscale = y_frac / freq_thresh alpha = y_frac / freq_thresh ax.text( x=xpts_shifted[j], y=(cur_y + y_dist / 2.0), ha=self.h_orient, va=self.v_orient, s=self.str_labels[cur_cat], color=self.lbl_colors[cur_cat], alpha=alpha, fontsize=self.fontsize * fontscale, ) cur_y = y if self.orig_fgeodist[i] * height < pixel_thresh: break ax.axhline(y=y, color=self.bar_color, lw=self.line_weight, alpha=self.alpha) if cur_y < 1.0: rect = patches.Rectangle( xy=[0, cur_y], width=1.0, height=(1.0 - cur_y), facecolor="grey" ) ax.add_patch(rect) ax.set_ylim(ylims) ax.set_ylabel("Cumulative fraction of variants", fontsize=14) return (ax, nsnps, y_pts) def plot_percentages(self, ax, pixel_thresh=3, freq_thresh=0.05, dpi=100): """Generate a plot with the percentages.""" bbox = ax.get_window_extent() width, height = bbox.width, bbox.height width *= dpi height *= dpi ns = self.orig_ngeodist fracs = ns / np.sum(ns) cum_frac = np.cumsum(self.orig_fgeodist) # Setting the border here for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_edgecolor(self.border_color) prev = 0.0 for i in range(cum_frac.size): # Get the midpoint ydist = (cum_frac[i] - prev) / 2.0 fontscale = 1.0 alpha = 1.0 if fracs[i] < freq_thresh: fontscale = fracs[i] / freq_thresh alpha = min(1.0, 20 * fracs[i] / freq_thresh) if self.orig_fgeodist[i] * height > pixel_thresh: nstr = "{:,}".format(ns[i]) ax.text( x=1.025, y=prev + ydist, s="%s (%d%%)" % (nstr, round(self.orig_fgeodist[i] * 100)), va=self.v_orient, fontsize=self.fontsize * fontscale, alpha=alpha, ha="left", ) prev = cum_frac[i] if self.orig_fgeodist[i] * height < pixel_thresh: break if prev < 1.0: rect = patches.Rectangle( xy=[0, cum_frac[i]], width=1.0, height=(1.0 - cum_frac[i]), facecolor="grey", ) ax.add_patch(rect) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) return ax
def plot_multiple_geovar( geovar_obj_list, subsets, xsize=1, ysize=4, hwidth=0.1, top_buff=0.5, bot_buff=0.5, left_buff=0.75, ylabel="Cumulative fraction of variants", superpops=None, superpop_lbls=None, ): """Plot multiple GeoVar objects on a shared axis.""" assert len(geovar_obj_list) == len(subsets) n = len(geovar_obj_list) fig_width = left_buff + xsize * n + hwidth * n fig_height = bot_buff + ysize + top_buff # start the figure fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(fig_width, fig_height)) # Setting the proportional arguments left_start = left_buff / fig_width left_increment = (fig_width - left_buff) / fig_width / n bot_prop = bot_buff / fig_height w_prop = left_increment - (hwidth / fig_width) top_prop = ysize / fig_height # Setting all the axs = [ fig.add_axes([left_start + i * left_increment, bot_prop, w_prop, top_prop]) for i in range(n) ] [a.set_yticks([]) for a in axs[1:]] for i in range(n): subset = subsets[i] cur_geovar = geovar_obj_list[i] _, nsnps, _ = cur_geovar.plot_geodist( ax=axs[i], superpops=superpops, superpop_lbls=superpop_lbls ) axs[i].set_xticklabels( cur_geovar.poplist, fontsize=10, rotation=90, ha="center" ) if cur_geovar.orig_missing is not None: n = np.sum(cur_geovar.orig_ngeodist) + cur_geovar.orig_missing nstr = "{:,}".format(n) nmiss_str = "{:,}".format(cur_geovar.orig_missing) axs[i].set_title( "%s\n $S$ = %s\n$S_u$ = %s (%d%%)" % (subset, nstr, nmiss_str, int(cur_geovar.orig_missing / n * 100)), fontsize=10, ) else: n = np.sum(cur_geovar.orig_ngeodist) nstr = "{:,}".format(n) axs[i].set_title("%s\n S = %s" % (subset, nstr), fontsize=10) axs[0].set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=14) return (fig, axs) def plot_geovar_w_percentages( geovar_obj, subset="", ylabel="Cumulative fraction of variants", xsize=1, ysize=4, hwidth=0.1, top_buff=0.5, bot_buff=0.5, left_buff=0.75, superpops=None, superpop_lbls=None, ): """Plot geovar plot with percentages.""" n = 2 fig_width = left_buff + xsize * n + hwidth * n fig_height = bot_buff + ysize + top_buff # start the figure fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(fig_width, fig_height)) # Setting the proportional arguments left_start = left_buff / fig_width left_increment = (fig_width - left_buff) / fig_width / n bot_prop = bot_buff / fig_height w_prop = left_increment - (hwidth / fig_width) top_prop = ysize / fig_height # Setting all the axs = [ fig.add_axes([left_start + i * left_increment, bot_prop, w_prop, top_prop]) for i in range(n) ] [a.set_yticks([]) for a in axs[1:]] geovar_obj.fontsize = 14 _, nsnps, _ = geovar_obj.plot_geodist( ax=axs[0], superpops=superpops, superpop_lbls=superpop_lbls ) axs[0].set_xticklabels(geovar_obj.poplist, fontsize=10, rotation=90, ha="center") n = np.sum(geovar_obj.orig_ngeodist) nstr = "{:,}".format(n) # Setting the title figures axs[0].text( 1.0 + (hwidth / fig_width), 1.01, "%s\n (S = %s)" % (subset, nstr), va="bottom", ha="center", fontsize=14, ) geovar_obj.fontsize = 12 geovar_obj.plot_percentages(axs[1]) axs[1].set_xticks([]) axs[0].set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=14) return (fig, axs)